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Sending Messages & Files

To send a secure message click on Compose in the left menu to bring up the New Message screen.

You have to add at least one email address to the To: field, but the subject is optional.  Tip: Click on the To: label to bring up a list of your contacts.


You can click on ATTACH FILES or you can drag and drop files from your desktop to the file attachment area to choose which files you will send.




















The Secure Note field is where you type important information that you only want to share with the recipients of the message. The contents of this field are never sent over the internet insecurely.


The Email Notification field You can either Hide or Show. This field will be sent to the recipients via email, and is not secure, so you should not enter any sensitive information here.


Expiration Date allows you to select when message expires using the built-in calendar.

Secure Message requires the recipient to sign in to see the message you sent. 


Click on SEND when you are done composing and selecting your options and your message.


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