Managing Users
Adding Users, Deleting Users & Transferring Accounts
Adding Users
Transit has two kinds of users: Internal and External.
Internal Users are the users you have allocated licenses to. They can send secure messages and upload files and create and share folders. Internal users can be given additional roles such as System Administrator or Billing Administrator.
External Users are the people that your internal users send messages to and share folders with. External users cannot send messages (but can reply to messages sent to them) and can only interact with folders that have been shared with them. External users do not require licenses and there is no limit to the number of external users.
To add a user select Admin from the left menu then Users. Click on ADD USER.
Fill in the users information and select the desired roles for the user:
1. Licensed Users
The Internal users who can send messages and share folders.
NOTE: Normally you do not need to manually add external (unlicensed users).
They are created automatically the first time an internal user sends a message or shares a folder with a user.
2. System Administrator
The System Administrator role gives a user access to the Admin entry on the left Menu and access to administer the system.
3. Billing Administrator
The Billing Administrator role gives a user access to the billing page where they can manage your organizations subscription. The Billing Administrator role is only available if your organization signed up for transit using the self signup page.
Delete Users & Transfer Accounts
Administrators have the ability to transfer all messages and files from one account to another when deleting a user from the Manage User list.
This is useful when Administrators need to transfer an account and all of the contents to another account; a necessity when a person leaves the organization or no longer has a need for access.
Select Manage/Users (above). Select Licensed Users and highlight the user's name listed as Active status. Select Delete from the lower right menu (above).
You will see a dialog asking you to transfer content and add deleted email as an alias to the new account (shown below).
NOTE: If not electing to have the email alias added, the original account’s email will be available to be re-used. You will not be able to restore a deleted account.
Check the box and type New Owner name to search/select a licensed user to transfer account contents to.
This will remove all inbox, sent items, files and deleted items entries from the original account and move to destination account.
While the account is in the process of being transferred, the status for the original user will be changed to ‘Being Transferred’ on the manage users page.
NOTE: There will be no actions available for the user account while transfer is in progress.
The destination account may NOT be deleted or have their license removed.
A folder with the original account’s name will be created in the destination account’s inbox root. “[original account]'s Transferred Messages” as shown below.
Contains all messages and message folders from the original account.
Drafts will not be transferred.
All sent items will be moved from the original account’s sent items folder to the destination account’s Sent items folder
A folder with the original account’s name will be created in the destination account’s files root. “[original account]'s Transferred Files”
Contains all files from the original account.
NOTE: A prompt will show, indicating only one account may be transferred at a time. You will NOT be able to begin another transfer until this one completes. you will be notified once transfer is complete.
Remove the deleted account from the users list after transfer is confirmed as successful.
If the destination account is the owner of a shared folder in which the original account had access, no change is made to the destination account’s access.
If the original account had a higher access than the destination account within a shared folder which they are mutually a part of, the destination account inherits the higher access level.
If the original account had a lower access than the destination account within a shared folder, the destination account retains the higher access.
As shown below. When hovering over a message sender, file owner or collaborator’s account, the current user name shows. The current user name is the original account’s email address followed by “Deleted User” if applicable. This is the most previous user if multiple transfers have occurred.
Log an entry into the activity log; “Transferred contents of [Original account] to [destination account] on [Date} at [Time] by [User who initiated the transfer]”.
If Email Alias selected, “Added an email alias of [New Email Alias] to the user [First Name] [Last Name] ([Primary Email])”.
For all email aliases belonging to the original account “Added an email alias of [New Email Alias] to the user [First Name] [Last Name] ([Primary Email])”.
Log a low level entry into the activity log per Shared Folder transfer/membership and message membership change.
If the destination account is now the owner of a shared folder “Ownership of [Folder Name] shared folder has been transferred from [Original account] to [Destination account].
If the destination account now has an elevated access in the shared folder, “[Destination account]'s access to [Folder Name] has been changed from [old access level] to [new access level].